SEMINAR: Taking Control Of Profitability

CASO Business Seminar
Taking control of profitability:
Effective management of foreign exchange


Presented by valued CASO member:
Western Union Business Solutions
Mel Francis, Sr Corporate Risk Manager


Many animation and VFX studios have projects funded in US dollars while expense and tax credits are in Canadian dollars. Over the course of your project, exposure to these two currencies may erode profitability. Take control by identifying risk factors and creating a hedging solution for your specific needs.

Mel will lead an informative best practice session outlining how to build efficiencies into your international payment process and demonstrate through animation and VFX industry examples how to help protect your profits.

The audience that will receive the most benefit from this information includes: CEO, President, CFO, Controller, Treasurer and VP of Finance.


Thursday April 19th, 2:30 – 4:00pm

SPINvfx theatre, 901 King St. W., #501, Toronto


Eran Barel